Reduction of the share premium in 2021
In addition to the 2019 dividend of CZK 17 before tax per each share with nominal value of CZK 10 (for more information see here), the per rollam Annual General Meeting voting since 25th May till 14th June 2021 adopted a resolution, which approved a distribution of a part of the Company’s share premium as follows:
Outside the meeting, the General Meeting approves in writing the distribution of a part of the Company's share premium in the actual amount of CZK 4,806,069,651.19 to shareholders as follows:
- the Company's share premium will be distributed (reduced) in the amount of CZK 1,203,528,628.00,
- for each share with a nominal value of CZK 10, an amount of CZK 4 before tax will be paid,the amount of CZK 40 before tax will be paid for the share with a nominal value of CZK 100,
- under the conditions arising from Czech legislation, the relevant tax will be deducted (deducted) by the Company before the payment is made,
- the payment will be made on the basis of a statement from the statutory register, which will be procured by the Company on 21 June 2021 (unless it is proven that the date in the register does not correspond to the factual situation as of that date),
- the amount to be paid will become due on 21 July 2021. The Board of Directors is responsible for the payment of the share of the share premium and the payment will be made at the Company's expense through Česká spořitelna, a.s. In matters not regulated by this resolution, the payment will be carried out in particular in accordance with legal regulations and the Company's articles of association.
Reduction of the share premium in 2020
In addition to the 2019 dividend of CZK 17 before tax per each share with nominal value of CZK 10 (for more information see here ) approved by the Board of Directors’ decision, the per rollam Annual General Meeting voting since 11th May till 17th June 2020 adopted a resolution, which approved a distribution of a part of the Company’s share premium as follows:
Outside the meeting, the General Meeting approves in writing the distribution of a part of the Company's share premium in the actual amount of CZK 8,263,773,333.91 to shareholders as follows:
- the Company's share premium will be distributed (reduced) in the amount of up to CZK 1,240,880,268.00,
- the Company's own assets also include the Company's own shares. The Company will not be entitled to the payment of the amount related to the payment of share premium; the applicable amount (i.e. the relevant part of the above maximum amount) will remain in the share premium account,
- for each share with a nominal value of CZK 10, an amount of CZK 4 before tax will be paid,
- the amount of CZK 40 before tax will be paid for the share with a nominal value of CZK 100,
- having regard to the above provisions of this resolution, the final aggregate amount paid to shareholders, as well as the remaining share premium, will depend on the actual number of treasury shares owned by the Company,
- under the conditions arising from Czech legislation, the relevant tax will be deducted (deducted) by the Company before the payment is made,
- the payment will be made on the basis of a statement from the statutory register, which will be procured by the Company on 23 May 2020 (unless it is proven that the date in the register does not correspond to the factual situation as of that date),
- the amount to be paid will become due on 22 June 2020. The Board of Directors is responsible for the payment of the share of the share premium and the payment will be made at the Company's expense through Česká spořitelna, a.s. In matters not regulated by this resolution, the payment will be carried out in particular in accordance with legal regulations and the Company's articles of association.
Reduction of the share premium in 2019
In addition to the 2018 dividend of CZK 17 before tax per each share with nominal value of CZK 10 (for more information see here) the Annual General Meeting held on 4th June 2019 adopted a resolution, which approved a distribution of a part of the Company’s share premium as follows:
The General Meeting approves the distribution of a portion of the Company's share premium in the current amount of CZK 9,469,872,293.91 as follows:
- the share premium of the Company shall be distributed (reduced) in the total amount of up to CZK 1,240,880,268.0,
- the company assets also include treasury shares. The company's entitlement to the payment related to the share premium distribution will not arise; the relevant amount (i.e. the relevant part of the above stated maximum mount) shall be kept on share premium account,
- an amount of CZK 4 before tax shall be distributed to each share with the nominal value of CZK 10,
- an amount of CZK 40 before tax shall be distributed to the share with the nominal value of CZK 100,
- given the above-mentioned provisions of this resolution, the final total amount distributed to the shareholders as well as the amount of the remaining share premium will depend on the actual number of treasury shares owned by the company,
- under the conditions arising from the Czech legal regulations, the relevant tax shall be deducted (subtracted) by the company before payment execution,
- the payment shall be carried out based on the extract from the statutory register, provided by the company as of 4 June 2019 (unless the records in the register differ from the actual reality),
- the share premium amount intended for payment shall be payable on 4 July 2019. The responsibility for the payout stays with the company's Board of Directors and it shall be exercised through Česká spořitelna, a.s. at the company's costs and aspects not covered by this resolution will be effectuated mainly in compliance with legal regulations and the Articles of Association.
Detailed information share distribution payment is available here.
Information on the taxation of the share premium distribution is available here.
Reduction of the share premium in 2018
In addition to the 2017 dividend of CZK 17 before tax per each share with nominal value of CZK 10 (for more information see here) the Annual General Meeting held on 4th June 2018 adopted a resolution, which approved a distribution of a part of the Company’s share premium as follows:
The General Meeting approves the distribution of a portion of the Company's share premium in the current amount of CZK 10,675,971,253.91 as follows:
- the share premium of the Company shall be distributed (reduced) in the total amount of up to CZK 1,240,880,268.0,
- the company assets also include treasury shares. The company's entitlement to the payment related to the share premium distribution will not arise; the relevant amount (i.e. the relevant part of the above stated maximum mount) shall be kept on share premium account,
- an amount of CZK 4 before tax shall be distributed to each share with the nominal value of CZK 10,
- an amount of CZK 40 before tax shall be distributed to the share with the nominal value of CZK 100,
- given the above-mentioned provisions of this resolution, the final total amount distributed to the shareholders as well as the amount of the remaining share premium will depend on the actual number of treasury shares owned by the company,
- under the conditions arising from the Czech legal regulations, the relevant tax shall be deducted (subtracted) by the company before payment execution,
- the payment shall be carried out based on the extract from the statutory register, provided by the company as of 4 June 2018 (unless the records in the register differ from the actual reality),
- the share premium amount intended for payment shall be payable on 4 July 2018. The responsibility for the payout stays with the company's Board of Directors and it shall be exercised through Česká spořitelna, a.s. at the company's costs and aspects not covered by this resolution will be effectuated mainly in compliance with legal regulations and the Articles of Association.
Detailed information share distribution payment is available here
Information on the taxation of the share premium distribution is available here
Reduction of the share premium in 2017
In addition to the 2016 dividend of CZK 17 before tax per each share with nominal value of CZK 10 (for more information see here) the Annual General Meeting held on 10th May 2017 adopted a resolution, which approved a distribution of a part of the Company’s share premium as follows:
The General Meeting approves the distribution of a portion of the Company's share premium in the current amount of CZK 11,893,802,821.91 as follows:
- the share premium of the Company shall be distributed (reduced) in the total amount of up to CZK 1,240,880,268.0,
- the company assets also include treasury shares. The company's entitlement to the payment related to the share premium distribution will not arise; the relevant amount (i.e. the relevant part of the above stated maximum mount) shall be kept on share premium account,
- an amount of CZK 4 before tax shall be distributed to each share with the nominal value of CZK 10,
- an amount of CZK 40 before tax shall be distributed to the share with the nominal value of CZK 100,
- given the above-mentioned provisions of this resolution, the final total amount distributed to the shareholders as well as the amount of the remaining share premium will depend on the actual number of treasury shares owned by the company,
- under the conditions arising from the Czech legal regulations, the relevant tax shall be deducted (subtracted) by the company before payment execution,
- the payment shall be carried out based on the extract from the statutory register, provided by the company as of 10 May 2017 (unless the records in the register differ from the actual reality),
- the share premium amount intended for payment shall be payable on 9 June 2017. The responsibility for the payout stays with the company's Board of Directors and it shall be exercised through Česká spořitelna, a.s. at the company's costs and aspects not covered by this resolution will be effectuated mainly in compliance with legal regulations and the Articles of Association.
Detailed information share distribution payment is available here
Information on the taxation of the share premium distribution is available here
Reduction of the share premium in 2013
The Annual General Meeting held on 22nd April 2013 adopted a resolution, which approved a distribution of a portion of the Company’s share premium as follows:
- The share premium of the Company shall be distributed (reduced) by the total amount of up to CZK 3,220,899,000.00. An amount of CZK 10 before tax shall be paid to each share, with the nominal value of CZK 87. An amount of CZK 100 before tax shall be paid to the share, with the nominal value of CZK 870.
- The Company currently owns its ordinary shares. The Company’s own shares shall not bear the right to payment related to the share premium distribution; the respective amount (i.e. the respective portion out of the above-mentioned maximum amount) shall be kept on the respective equity account.
- Given the above-mentioned provisions of this resolution, the final aggregate amount distributed to the shareholders as well as the amount of the remaining share premium will depend on the actual number of own shares owned by the Company.
- Under the conditions arising from the applicable legal regulations, the relevant tax shall be deducted (subtracted) by the Company before executing the payment. Shareholders will be informed of details, as appropriate.
- The payment shall be effectuated based on the extract from the securities register administered in accordance with Act No. 256/2004 Coll., the Capital Market Trading Act, prepared as of 14 October 2013.
- The share premium distribution shall be payable on 11 November 2013. The responsibility for the pay-out stays with the Company’s Board of Directors and it shall be exercised through Česká spořitelna, a.s. at the Company’s costs and in compliance with legal regulations and the Articles of Association.
Further detailed information about the payment method is available here
Information on the taxation of the share premium distribution is available here
Pay-out of the amount corresponding to the distribution (reduction) of the share premium in 2013 was terminated on 10 November 2018 by the Board of Directors’ resolution; since that day, the company will apply the limitation clause to the claimants for amount corresponding to the distribution (reduction) of the share premium.